How to Integrate Real Estate Word into Your Site

There are several different ways to integrate this service into your site. The best way to maximize your subscribe rate is to have a "subscribe me to your newsletter" check box into the lead forms the buyers/sellers fill out. It works best when you have the checkbox pre-checked. Click here for an example. Whenever a subscriber fills out a lead and subscribes to your newsletter, manually subscribe them to your newsletter.

An alternative is to have no pre-checked box but rather a separate page that comes up after the prospect fills out their lead that offers them a free subscription to your newsletter. If they choose to subscribe, they just enter their first name, last name and email address. This saves a step for you as you don't have to manually enter their information but not as many people will subscribe. It's best to use the method above as one form with a pre-checked box will yield nearly twice as many subscribers.

Clients that subscribe to our website service at use a special code that has the best of both worlds. With it you're able to have the pre-checked box on your form and the clients will automatically be subscribed so you get better results with none of the work.

How to Subscribe Prospects

The easiest way to subscribe prospects is to type into your browser. Please note that the ## represents your client number so you have to replace the ## with your number for it to work properly. To find out what you client number is, log into your control panel with your email and password at and then click on "Code For Website". Look at the second code box where it says "id=" and your number will be listed right next to the = sign. Therefore, if your number is 84, your subscribe URL will be Bring it up on the Internet and experiment with it a bit and then bookmark it as you'll be coming back to it often.

Prospects can also subscribe themselves by clicking on this code but it's far more effective to have an entire webpage set up that entices them to sign up. They then enter their first name, last name, and email address into a form. The code for this form can be found in the first box in the "Code For Website" section of your control panel. You can also have a link that displays your latest issue. The code for this can be found in the second box in the "Code For Website" section of your control panel. Ideally, you'll want to have your newsletter page set up similar to the one found here. You'll also want to include your newsletter page in your website navigation structure (your website buttons along the side or bottom of you page) with the heading "Newsletter" or "Real My Newsletter" or something like that.

It's important to tell everyone about your newsletter and have it all over your site to ensure the maximum number of subscribers. The more subscribers you have, the better results you'll see. Furthermore the better you have your site set up, the more likely you'll be to add your subscribers. I want you to make the most of this service so, if after reading the above thoroughly, you have any questions at all about how to properly integrate this service into your website, please let me know.

If you have any other questions, please send me an email.