Importing Subscriber Lists
When you have a large list of clients, it makes sense to import them into your account rather than typing them in manually. In order to import your existing subscriber list, you have to export and save it as a CSV file in an Excel spreadsheet. Furthermore, there must be three columns titled "First Name", "Last Name" & E-mail Address" (without the quotes). Each program exports information differently but here are examples that show how to export your contact list from Outlook & Outlook Express:
Outlook Express
- Click on FILE and then on EXPORT and then on ADDRESS BOOK.
- Select "Text File" and then click on "Export"
- Click on "Browse" to select where you'd like to save the file.
- Type in the name you'd like to save the file to followed by ".csv" (without the quotes) and click on "Save"
- Click on "Next"
- Only select "First Name", "Last Name" & "E-mail Address" (un-check the others)
- Click "Finish"
Outlook (Microsoft Office)
- Click on "File" and then on "Import and Export"
- Select "Export to a file"
- Select "Comma Separated Values (Windows)"
- Select the "Contacts" folder
- Save the exported file to a location on your computer (ie. your Desktop)
- Click "Finish"
- Go to where you saved the file, open it up and clear out unnecessary columns so just the "First Name", "Last Name" & "E-mail Address" columns remain
- Continue following the instructions below to ensure your spreadsheet is properly populated always taking care to save your work along the way
Once you have your CSV file sorted, you'll need to make sure that every field has something in it. For example, you can't leave the First Name blank on one record, the Last Name blank on another and so on; otherwise, the entire record will fail to be imported. The Last Name field doesn't really matter so much as it's never displayed so if you're not sure about their last name, just type in unknown or last or something like that. You should really have a first name as it's personalized but if you don't, you can use Mr. Smith or just use there as it will display either "Hi Mr. Smith," or "Hi There,". When you have everything finished it should look like the following:
Now all you have to do is log-in to your Real Estate Word account and click on "Import Subscriber List". Then click on "Browse" to locate where your CSV file is saved and then click on "Send File".
If you have any other questions, please send me an email.